Basset Hound
General Information - Basset Hound

10 -12 years
Low to medium
Low to medium
Watchdog Ability:
Protection Ability:
Area of Origin:
France and UK
Date of Origin:
19th century
Other Names:
Original Function:
Trailing rabbits
and hare
The strong, sturdy Basset Hound was originated in France but was developed in the UK which also explains the origin of the name: in French, "bas" means "low" which describes this short, low-to-the-ground dog perfectly. Most researchers believe that the breed descends from the now-extinct St. Hubert breed, also from France. While the breed did not arrive in England and North America until the late 1800's and early 1900's, a number of varieties of Basset have existed in Europe for approximately 300 years. The Basset makes an excellent tracker of hare and rabbit due to his excellent scenting ability and stamina. He is able to move through dense bush with relative ease. While he may appear to be a slow-mover at first glance, the Basset Hound is surprisingly athletic and can cover great distances in a short time. In 1960 the first Basset arrived in New Zealand, imported from Victoria, Australia. The breed increased in numbers, gathering support with the formation in 1962 of the Basset Hound Club in Auckland, and is now spread throughout New Zealand.Temperament
The Basset Hound is a good natured dog breed who gets along well with other pets and children. Basset Hounds are a fairly stubborn breed which goes back to it’s origins as a hunting dog and need patient and consistent training.Upkeep
The Basset needs mild daily exercise, which can be satisfied by walking on leash or playing in the yard. It is happy to be a house dog or to live outside but enjoys the company of humans or other animals. Its coat needs only minimal grooming, but its ears need regular cleaning.