Anthony Gibson (Tony)
Group 5 Championship, Open Show, Show Ribbon Parade, Specialist Breed (German Shepherd Dog) NZ Breed Surveyor German ShepherdsAbout Me
Judging throughout New Zealand it has given me great pleasure to judge3 German Shepherd Specialty shows
I have had a long association with the Dog World starting
Heathcote Kennels in 1978 breeding German Shepherds with my wife Annie and more recently daughter Kathy Morton who as our handler has introduced Chihuahuas to the kennels.
Our aims were always to breed dogs following the highest standard set down by the founding country Germany.
Over the years our Kennels have bred and owned many dogs that have achieved high awards in the NZ Breed Survey system and the All Breeds Arena. One such achievement we remember well was our NZ Champion Heathcote Blue Light going Best in Show with an entry of 1160 dogs.
We have been most honoured to have hosted over the years many of the visiting Shepherd Specialist judges from throughout the world and having spent time in Germany at the Sieger Show in Nuremburg in 2014.
We are still actively involved in breeding & exhibiting at Specialty and All Breed Shows Club involvement currently and over the last 40 years South Island German Shepherd League – Past Vice President and head show trainer
Annie and I are both Life Members of the Club
Canterbury Kennel Association – Current Vice President – 6 years
Canterbury Kennel Association Training Classes – Convenor – 8 years
Christchurch Judges Branch of NZ Dog Judges Assn – Current Vice President
Canterbury Working Dog – Past Vice President
Canterbury Toy Dog Society – current committee member
As Business owners over the last 40 years now retired Judging has been a later addition to my Dog breeding and showing year’s one I am enjoying immensely.
On a Personal note we are Solvent Awareness Educators creating the Glove Up website and being invited to public speaking engagements on the effects of solvents in the work place. This is a crusade close to our hearts having lost a son from the effects and working with Government Departments to help get the word out there to ensure others are safe.
We have very close strong family ties with our children, 8 Grandchildren and 1 Great Granddaughter.
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Championship Hounds Group 4