Ms Deborah J Ninness

All BreedsAbout Me
I started in the Dog world in 1976 when I acquired a dog with a flatmate, our landlord insisted that the Dog had to be well controlled so I joined Avalon Canine Obedience Club and was hooked on Obedience.At that stage living in Wellington.At the same time I had an Aunt who bred and showed Great Danes so was also competing in the Breed ring. I had met a couple of Gordon Setters in a church setting with their Factor and decided I had to track one down. Mean time I continued with Obedience and handled dogs for friends and family at Obedience and Show Fixtures.
An English Setter joined the cross bred in early 1980.
1982 saw my first Gordon arrive and my Kennel Et Settera was formed.A change of job and a move to Kawerau saw an introduction to Pointer and Setter Field Trialling, this became another big part of my dog interests. An Australian Kelpie joined the mix in 1994.and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in 2005.
In 1984 I was encouraged to go onto the Breed Show judging panel,and am now an All Breeds Judge.
I am active in Breed Showing, Stewarding, Judging and Pointer and Setter Trials.
I have been on the Committee of Avalon Canine Obedience Club and was the Secretary too.I have served on the Committees of The Setter Club, Rotorua Gundog Club, The Kelpie Club, Kawerau Dog Obedience Club ,Bay of Plenty Show Dog Society and am Currently a member of the Pointer and Setter Club, Secretary/ Treasurer Of The Bay of Plenty Show Judges Association and President of Eastern Bay of Plenty Kennel Association.
Recent Shows Judged At
I judged Toys and Gundogs at Dunedin August 2013.In September 2012 I judged in Brisbane and Melbourne October 2012. I also Judged Wollongong & District Kennel Club on 3rd March 2012 Groups 1, 2 and 3.
Recent NZ appointments: Hawkes Bay , May 2014, Terriers, Non-Sporting. Canterbury August 2015, Working and Non-Sporting, North Canterbury January 2015, Hounds, Waimakiriri, January 2015,Non-Sporting,
Judging History
I have been honoured to have been asked to judge, for each of my "First" Appointments with Huntly Kennel Association so they hold a special place for me. They gave me my first ever Ribbon Parade Appointment, Open Show appointment and then my Initial contract when I had earnt my Gundog License. They have now contracted me for my first Utility appointment to ratify my All Breeds status.I Judged The Gordon Setter Club of NSW and The English Setter Club (inc) specialty shows at Castle Hill Sydney in March 2005 during the Sydney Royal Week.
A recent special Appointment was to do the Scottish Breeds Club in November 2010.