Poodle (miniature)
General Information - Poodle (miniature)

13-15 years
Very high
Very high
Watchdog Ability:
Very high
Protection Ability:
Very low
Area of Origin:
Germany and Central
Date of Origin:
Other Names:
Barbobe, Caniche
Original Function:
Water retrieving,
The Miniature Poodle originates from the Standard Poodle and is the same in all respects except for size. Due to demand for a smaller version of the popular Poodle, a process of miniaturisation began in the late 1800s. The in-between size Miniature Poodle was officially recognised in 1910 by the British Kennel Club. Like its forefathers, the Miniature Poodle loves the water and makes an excellent swimmer and retriever of waterfowl. This variety of poodle is the most popular and numerous, and because of its size, and makes an excellent companion for city-dwellers.Temperament
The Miniature Poodle is intelligent, alert, playful, anxious to please, obedient and responsive. Good with children and other pets, it sometimes tends to bark excessively. They can be shy with strangers. Sometimes nervous and aggressive, Miniature Poodles have been known to bite as a result of being over-pampered.Upkeep
All Poodles need a lot of interaction with people. They also need mental and physical exercise. A brief but challenging obedience or play session, combined with a walk, should be part of every Poodle's day. Miniature Poodles will need a moderate amount of exercise. No Poodle should live outdoors. The show Poodle should preferably be brushed every day or weekly for shorter coats. Poodle hair, when shed, does not fall out but becomes caught in the surrounding hair, which can cause matting if not removed. The pet clips are easier to maintain and can be done every four to six weeks.