Upper Hutt Dog Training Club
Upper Hutt Dog Training Club is a family friendly club that provides training classes for pet dogs, as well as Agility, Canine basics, Canine good citizen, Obedience, and Rally-O.

The club is dedicated to educating people to become good and responsible dog owners. Whilst exercising the dog's mind and body, the club also provides a social outlet for their owners. Agility, Obedience and Rally-O provide a great way of having fun with your best friend and making more friends of the human variety.
Training Classes range from puppy through to Canine Good Citizen qualificaton. The first class is Canine Good Basics. It focuses on teaching basic commands including sit, down, stay, a reliable recall, and loose lead walking amongst the distraction of other people and dogs. The aim of these classes to to graduate with a dog that is a pleasure to have as a pet, who will reliably do what it is told to do.
In Agility your dog will gain confidence as it learns to traverse a variety of obstacles, including tunnels, ramps, see-saws and weaving poles. Agility competitions are based on accuracy and speed.
Upper Hutt Dog Training Club offers a range of agility classes.
Obedience. In competition obedience a new level of precision is reached in the cooperation between dog and handler in completing heelwork, recall, retrieve, scent, distance control and stay excercises. The club offers canine Good citizen classes and CD trials as well as other obedience activities.
Rally-O. Rally-O consists of a course of exercises to be completed with your dog against the clock, with points being deducted for faults such as a tight lead. The sport is less precise than competition obedience and a great way to get out and about with your dog.
The club grounds are located at Moehau Park, Moonshine, Upper hutt.
Contact Details
Peter de Wit
Committee Details
President: Wayne Turner Email: wayne.turner@xtra.co.nz
Treasurer: Darren Lilley
Secretary: Peter de Wit Email: asckii@gmail.com
Upcoming Shows and Events
Please contact the club for details of upcoming agility, rallyo and obedience competitions.Club Activities
Essential skills classes, Agility, Flygility, Obedience, RallyO, Canine good citizen