Black Hawk Canine Heroes Competition
Black Hawk along with Dogs New Zealand is searching for your stories to find three of New Zealand's very own Canine Heroes.
We are looking for dogs who make a difference and that can be anything from saving a life through to being your most loyal companion. Every story counts.
The categories
Life Saving - open to any dog that has performed acts or deeds that may have prevented loss of life
Service category - open to any dog that through a single act or over a period of time displays exemplary service to a service or governmental organisation
Pet category - open to any dog in private ownership that displays in an exceptional way, factors that make the pleasure and joy of owning a dog such a beneficial practice.
Competition closes 24 August 2018
Nominees will be judged in the first week of September and winners will also be contacted that week.
Winners will be invited to travel to Wellington* to attend the National Dog Show 2018 being held 5 - 7 October 2018 and to receive their awards. The winners, their stories and photos will also be featured in the NZ Dog World Magazine.
For further information regarding the Black Hawk Canine Heroes Competition, please contact or on 04 910 1525
Entry criteria
Please forward your entry to Dogs New Zealand (Dogs NZ) details of your story explaining:
- why you are nominating your/the dog
- what category you are nominating him/her for
and please include with your entry:
- a high resolution picture of your/the dog
- your name and contact details.
Entries can be submitted one of three ways
- By emailing Dogs NZ at - (High resolution jpeg photo required)
- By sending the information to:
Dogs New Zealand,
Private Bag 50903,
Porirua 5240
(Please include a photo with mailed entries)
*If a category winner resides out of Wellington the Dogs NZ will cover the cost of return flights to Welllington airport and one night's accommodation in Wellington (at accommodation booked by Dogs NZ) for one adult per category. All other associated expenses to be covered by competition winner.