Mrs Kat Jackson

Group 3 Championship, Open Show, Junior ShowmanshipAbout Me
I was born into the dog show world and have been around show dogs all my life. My family has always had Golden Retrievers and are kennel partners in Sandlewood Golden Retrievers. I have two Australian Shepherds at home and also help Sandlewood Golden Retrievers in the show ring. Our most successful Golden is Judge - SPR CH & SPL GR CH Sandlewood Take - A - Bow; the first and only Supreme Champion.Since the formation of the Young Kennel Club (Now Junior Dog Showing / Junior Dog Handler) I have remained passionate about helping young handlers. I have competed and won the 16-20 years section, and was part of the unbeaten team for the team event. I have also served on the YKC and JDH committees, and assisted in running heats in the upper north island and national final.
I currently work as an Intensive Care Paramedic in Auckland; I have a Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine), Postgraduate Certificate in Critical Care, and currently working on a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science.
In June 2019 I was elected President of The Golden Retriever Club Inc.
In September 2021 I was promoted to the Gundog Championship Show panel and plan to continue to progress to All Breeds level.
Recent Shows Judged
Judging History
Panels Aspiring To
Once I finish my postgraduate study, I am hoping to begin the journey of becoming a judge.